Putin and the world

Napsal Zdeněk Beil (») 14. 8. 2022 v kategorii Aktuální, přečteno: 69×

In recent months, many people, including anthroposophical supporters, have been searching for their inner attitude towards events in Ukraine. On the basis of their spiritual reflections, some justify this war, others even approve of it. Opinions are emerging that Russian culture has not yet matured, that it is overwhelmingly adopting foreign influences, that it is not the current Russian leadership led by Putin that is responsible for the war, but the dark forces of the West. Yet it was Putin who, during his time in the former GDR secret service, certainly imbibed Western materialism to its Russian essence.
It was here that one of the most brutal secret services, the Stasi, operated, the borders were guarded by crossbows, the Berlin Wall divided the city. In the sports centres, as in the showcases of socialism, secret scientifically controlled doping was applied, regardless of the health of the athletes. In Putin's case, Russian nationalism, lying and calculating were obviously added to the mix. By electing spineless Duma deputies in rigged elections, through which Putin passes laws allowing him to arrest anyone he dislikes. He has the financial oligarchs at hand and, with the help of the obedient Patriarch Kirill, he controls the Russian branch of the Orthodox Church.
In this way, Putin has succeeded in creating an environment in Russia for the unrestricted spiritual rule of Ahriman and Lucifer.
How can it be honest to talk about foreign influences on Russia when we are witnessing Russia's efforts to promote its geopolitical interests around the world through a sophisticated disinformation campaign, to support populists and nationalists, and to support dictatorial regimes with its military presence (Wagner or advisers) and arms supplies?
To quote Vr. Zouhar. And it is now man himself who already has the qualifications to stand up not only to these influences. Democracy and spiritual science make this at least partly possible in our country."
Why, you may ask, do I deal in my posts with current world events, Waldorf pedagogy and examples of the social trinity in practice? Perhaps Jan Sušer's interview about Rudolf Steiner will give you a clue: https://wave.rozhlas.cz/rudolf-steiner-odmital-bezcilne-tlachani-na-duchovni-temata-rika-religionista-8583835

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