Statement by S. Kopyl, Ukraine 2022

Napsal Zdeněk Beil (») 12. 9. 2022 v kategorii Aktuální, přečteno: 69×

Good evening from Ukraine

My name is Sergey Kopyl, I am a representative of the Kyiv Anthroposophical Branch.

For many years one of my unofficial tasks is phenomenological observation and description of social events in Ukraine. For some reason, they repeatedly become a stumbling block for many representatives of the international anthroposophical community.

This fact was already a symptom of a serious crisis in the anthroposophical worldview: when Ukrainians, who tried to explain to Europeans the motives of their social actions, for example, on the Maidan, felt that they had to justify the very foundations of morality.

Nevertheless, many conversations were held and many texts were written about the Maidan of 2014 and the further development of the country, in 2017 we held a large conference "Soul of Europe" in Kyiv, and it seemed that Ukrainian aspirations in the anthroposophical world were finally becoming more or less clear.

And three months ago a full-scale war with Russia began. And there was a feeling that it was no longer necessary to write and explain. Finally. Because everything became obvious, masks were thrown off, direct aggression was carried out under the flags of the Russian Federation against an independent democratic country. The fog of the alleged "civil war in Ukraine" dissipated and everything became simple and transparent. Isn't it?

And surprisingly: for a large part of the civilized world - yes. Even for a large part of the previously allegedly "pro-Russian" people in Ukraine - yes. But for a large part of the international anthroposophical movement - no! So large a part that it obviously goes far beyond the margins and frightens almost the majority. It looks deadly: as if the anthroposophical community is failing the humanity test. After all, it would seem that a healthy human sense of truth should not stumble in such obviousness. The crisis is even deeper than in previous years.

However, today there is neither the desire nor the strength to start discussions about it again, to persuade, justify, etc.: both I personally and the vast majority of my Ukrainian friends are at war today - either directly in the ranks of the army, or on the volunteer, informational, economic or prayer / meditation front. Because we are talking about our existence. As it sounds in Ukraine today - the time of words and persuasion has passed, it is time to act.

Therefore, below, to begin with - just a few hot theses, the confirmation of which is proposed to find from the observation of reality. It is on reality, on reality that I now place my hope for a way out of this crisis of humanity, in which a large part of the international anthroposophical community finds itself: a reality that must "oppose wrong thinking and correct it" (© RS).

- And right away: this entire text is not intended to address Russian anthroposophists in the least. It is not about those friends who fully understand and share the position of Ukrainians and wish Ukraine victory, but about those for whom "not everything is so clear" or "everything is definitely not so" - even the time of communication has passed there. There is no need to "understand the other side", there is absolutely no need to "build bridges again" and "rebuild what politicians allegedly destroyed". Because today the quintessence of this aggression is that one side does not feel borders.

One of the two sides does not recognize the other's right to independent existence, but considers it a part of itself. Therefore, the borders are not too many, they are not enough. These "bridges" - in fact, sticky fingers of embrace that violate your personal boundaries - should be destroyed today. Just like in a family, the strong ties of blood must be destroyed so that in the future, God willing, spiritual brotherhood can be born.

- We are witnessing in real time an epochal event: one nation is finally separating from the shadow of another.

Here is one of the current sins of our anthroposophical perception (I use this "anthroposophical we" deliberately out of a fraternal feeling of guilt of wrong judgments on other issues).

Namely: in the question "does Ukraine have its own Archangel of the people, or is he only in Russia?" - for many years from different sides we had to hear either an unequivocal "no!" or an avoidant "Steiner did not say anything about it, so..." - and then out of fear rather "no" than "yes".

And this is another of our anthroposophical sins: not to give a chance to the new, when the area explored for us by Steiner ends and "he did not say anything about it". Thus, some articles about Ukraine still contain old quotes, for example, about the "aspirations of the British Empire", which has long ceased to exist. This is not a living spiritual science, it is a dead redrawing of icons.

Today, this "Steiner did not say anything about the existence of the Ukrainian Archangel of the people" becomes literally something terrible: the ideology of Nazism. It seems that the Kremlin ideologues have read some articles and comments of anthroposophists about the "triune Russian soul" and the absence of the Ukrainian Archangel.

For anthroposophists, these statements are just abstract mental constructions, and this is easily confirmed: no one is ready to sacrifice anything to defend them, let alone die for them. This is the criterion.

But the Kremlin uses such ideas as a pretext for action. Specific physical military actions to restore power over "its land". And it is ready to kill for them and even go all-in, endangering its very existence.

And this is a very serious sin of anthroposophical perception of the world. Because of such irresponsible thoughts, words, feelings, a monster was raised, which is ready to destroy the whole nation with its language and culture, and use anthroposophy as its justification.

No one (no one!) of those who arrogantly declared "there is no Ukrainian Archangel" is not an initiate and clairvoyant of such a degree to be responsible for their words in the severity of the spiritual world.

Because the reality with ruthless obviousness showed quite the opposite. Where, according to these theoretical constructions, there should have been an empty place, artificially created, without an Archangel and the will to freedom, suddenly there was something very real: something for which millions of people are ready to fight and sacrifice their lives. And instead of "the fall of Ukraine in three days" and mass meetings of "liberators" with flowers, as expected by supporters of the "triune Russian soul", we have almost six months of fierce resistance of the whole country.

This is the reality.

And it refutes all irresponsible mind games, stating: The Archangel of Ukraine exists! And he is fighting for his freedom.

So - it will continue!

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