The history of Russia is the history of blood

Napsal Zdeněk Beil (») 8. 8. 2022 v kategorii Historie, souvislosti, přečteno: 91×

The history of Russia is not the history of a classical country. It is a history of blood, murder and war. And everything has gotten worse since the Bolsheviks took power in Russia. They immediately planned territorial expansions and attacks on almost all neighboring states.
During the civil war in Russia, the Bolsheviks committed the worst atrocities ever perpetrated by man. This was followed by the brutal occupation of the Ukraine, the burning of villages and killings of which even the SS would have been ashamed.
Then the Russian leadership invaded the Baltics. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia had to fight for their independence. Very hard and at the cost of tens of thousands of deaths. At that time, the Russians were occupying Kazakhstan. Again, brutally. At the same time, they provoked a civil war in Finland. Fortunately, the "whites" won.
Parallel to the Polish-Soviet war was the so-called "pacification" of the Caucasus, during which the Russians occupied Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.
In the Polish-Soviet War, the Russian offensive was stopped at the last moment at Warsaw. This prevented the Russians from penetrating into Europe.
In 1918, during the Civil War, the Bolsheviks murdered the Tsarist family in Yekaterinburg and other family members elsewhere in Russia. But also outside them. For years after the end of the Civil War, the Soviets were still liquidating hotbeds of resistance to their horrific rule.
As early as 1930, the Russians had already carried out one of their invasions of Afghanistan. They also came into conflict with China or Japan. In the 1930s, the Soviet leadership caused several famines. The biggest in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The victims of these famines numbered in the millions.
In the 1930s, the USSR became the main trading partner of Nazi Germany. Without it, the Germans could not have adequately prepared their army. On the eve of World War II, they concluded the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, without which Hitler would not have gone to war at all.
On 17 September 1939, the Red Army invaded Poland and occupied the eastern part of the country. In November 1939, the Russians invaded Finland. They provoked the war with a "false flag" action, bombing their own village and branding the attack as Finnish aggression.
In late spring 1940, the Soviets occupied the Baltic States. In the summer of 1940, after aggressive threats to Romania, they occupied Bessarabia.
Stalin began to prepare an attack on Europe. The entire Red Army was ready in attack positions in the spring of 1941, without any defensive cover. Hitler, however, beat Stalin to the punch and attacked first, so that he would have at least some chance of winning the war against an opponent many times stronger. This strategy, however, failed precisely because of his military dilettantism.
In 1943, the Nazis discovered the site of the Katyn massacre. It was here that the Russians slaughtered over 22,000 Poles. It was not until 1990 that the Russians admitted responsibility for the massacre.
After the end of the Second World War, the Russians occupied all the lost positions, plus the Japanese island of Sakhalin, German East Prussia and almost the whole of Eastern Europe became their satellite.
Just a few days after the end of the war, the NKVD arrested Czechoslovak General Sergei Vojtsekhovsky and took him, as well as thousands of other Czechoslovak citizens, to the gulags in Russia. General Vojtsekhovsky died in the Ozerlag gulag in 1951.
In Poland, the situation was much worse. The last remnants of the Polish intelligentsia were completely destroyed and a pro-Soviet government was installed in Poland. Those who could not escape were liquidated by the NKVD.
In Greece, the communists there, overwhelmingly supported by the USSR, provoked a bloody civil war. The anti-communist victory in that country took a heavy toll. Throughout the war, nearly 200 000 Greeks lost their lives and the whole country was destroyed.
The Soviet Union did not concentrate only on Europe. In China, it supported the forces of Mao Tse-tung in the struggle against which General Chiang Kai-shek stood. Russia did everything it could to ensure that the Communists prevailed in that country, helping to create the most abominable regime that has ever existed on this planet.
At the same time, Russia began to support Ho Chi Minh's army during the First Indochina War. It was this war that unleashed a series of conflicts in the region that led to the tragic Vietnam War.
The biggest war was unleashed by Russian policy on the Korean peninsula. Massively armed with Soviet technology, Kim Il-sung became confident that he could unify the peninsula and on 25 June 1950 began a war that ended in stalemate and a 'bill' of three million dead.
After that, Russia began to rebel against its satellites in Europe. In 1953 came the bloody suppression of the workers' uprising in East Germany and three years later the "glorious" showdown with the Hungarian uprising, where thousands lost their lives.
We must also not forget that from the 1960s onwards the USSR began to support and arm the Arab states, which were trying very hard to destroy Israel. The Arabs were only able to make repeated attempts at this destruction thanks to the huge supplies of Soviet technology. They were also aided by Russian "advisers".
The occupation of Czechoslovakia is very well known to us, so let us look at the lesser known Russian crimes: the support of the communists in Angola, which led to a civil war that lasted 25 years. Supporting years of fighting in the Ethiopia-Eritrea-Somalia region.

In 1978, the Afghan communists, backed by Russia and with much help from the KGB, staged a coup in Afghanistan. This event led to the invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR a year later and, as a result, to the war that continues in Afghanistan to this day. So far, it has had two million casualties.
Practically from the moment of the collapse of the USSR, the main successor state, Russia, has left no one in any doubt that it will continue the imperial policy of the Soviet Union.
To make it clear to the world that it is continuing its policy, as soon as 1992 it embarked on aggression against its neighbours and the dismantling of their states. Georgia was the first to go. Here, Russia "stood up" for Abkhazia and, during the one-year war, ensured that it was seceded from Georgia.
Then came Moldova. The Russians began sending troops to Transnistria, an area in the very east of Moldova, around the border with Ukraine, to "protect" the Russian community there and ensure "equality" for the Russian language.
It also continued the "good old" tradition of ethnic cleansing. They began in North Ossetia, from where Russia helped to "expel" some 60 000 Ingush.
In December 1994, Russia signed the so-called Budapest Memorandum, in which it pledged to recognize and respect Ukraine's borders in return for Ukraine eliminating its nuclear arsenal. The agreement was guaranteed by the United States and the United Kingdom.
In 1994, a conflict broke out in Chechnya, which was very inglorious for Russia. It lasted intermittently and with varying degrees of fighting until 2009 and claimed the lives of at least 60 000 Chechens. At the turn of 1994 and 1995, the Russians practically destroyed the city of Grozny. First they completely shelled the city and then they tried to conquer it. They achieved this at the cost of heavy losses and had to withdraw later anyway. The next battle for Grozny took place in August 1996. Again, a Russian fiasco.
In September 1999, one of the most mysterious events in the history of modern Russia took place. A series of bomb attacks on apartment blocks, in three cities, claimed over 300 lives. These events gave Russia an excuse to intervene militarily in Dagestan and Vladimir Putin gained power. According to the 'official' version of Russian investigators, it was the Dagestani and Chechen people who were behind the attacks. This also 'justified' the start of the second war in Chechnya. However, we can doubt this version very much. The next attack was supposed to have taken place in the city of Ryazan, but here the assassins were discovered in time and it later turned out that they were FSB agents. The Russian Government, as is still its good habit, later explained this revelation in various ways, but never once did it manage to answer the questions that arose.
Russia therefore embarked on another exhausting war in Chechnya, which, as mentioned above, ended in 2009. One cannot fail to mention the terrorist attacks (for example, in Beslan) that the Chechens carried out in retaliation for the intervention in their country.
In 2008, Russia invaded Georgia again. This time, it used the conflict in South Abkhazia, where it had long supported separatists, as a pretext to further break up the Georgian state. The world did not react, and Russia's efforts were thus successful.
Russia, emboldened by the world's total ignorance of the crimes it has so far committed, has embarked on another great enterprise. It could not allow Ukraine to move closer to the EU and become a successful country. That is why it pressured Ukrainian President Yanukovych not to sign the already prepared association agreement with the EU. These events subsequently led to the Ukrainian revolution, the theft of Crimea and the occupation of areas in the eastern part of the country.
Russia, having grown wings, subsequently began to commit crimes in the form of chemical attacks in Syria.
That ends, at least for now, this very brief history of Russia's bloody history. I do not doubt for a moment that The History of Russia - A History of Blood will continue in no less bloody fashion. And that is assuming that we, as a united West, do not vigorously oppose it.

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