Dear friends,
here is a long read article written in the name of Kyiv anthroposophical branch of Ukraine yet in far 2015, when the Russian-Ukrainian war yet in limited form just begun after Maidan revolution.
Time shows it remains actual now even more, that's why I decided to share it. Though anthroposophists from Ukraine have now of course yet much more to say (much more dramatic I would say) and observe goetheanistically - hope to do it in next publications.But main gestures and spirits guessed behind them remain the same, just showing themselves today yet more strongly.
WAR FOR THE FUTURE Sergey Kopyl,In the name and by order of Anthroposophical branch in Kyiv20th August 2015It’s already 1,5 years the developments in Ukraine absorb an attention of attracted people around the world.There are of course anthroposophists among them. Since to recognize forces working behind visible events is indeed the main striving of spiritual science, during last times we have seen positions of many anthroposophists about this theme.And you know, we were thunderstruck.(We – Ukrainian anthroposophists who participated in revolution on Maidan and continue to follow all what happens in Ukraine now.)We supposed, that even for the sight from afar, if this sight is anthroposophical, the situation should be clear as day – especially after annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the war in Donbass. But after seeing many times quite another position and especially seeing it in the main magazine of Goetheanum, we got that we meet here very special way of thinking.And we think this is a system crisis, dear friends.
About personal experiencesEuropean friends who listen and sympathize with us after close communication say: “You should describe for Europeans your experiences during Maidan, many details we don’t know”. But we have no hope, that personal experiences would help here: exactly because that mentioned way of thinking have no interest at all in personal experiences. It is entirely immersed in “contemplation”, as it thinks, of “forces staying behind the scenes and pulling string wires”.It is important: it doesn’t consider at all that human thought, feeling and will can participate in historical developments. It operates much more great “beings” (often justifying this by “sight of historian”): before his eyes float “Russia and its interests”, “America and its interests”, “EU and its interests”, “Russia as organism” etc., and of course “all-powerful secret occult English-speaking lodges”.
Everything what happens on social-political level is in this way of thinking a global game, where every phenomenon, whatever obvious for healthy thinking and healthy feeling it would be, is just cheat and screen for some totally another “true interests”. And every striving and activity of individual human being is illusion. The freedom of individuality itself is illusion.In addition, describing “interests of Russia”, “interests of America” etc. in the language of symptomatology, so looking on these subjects as on spiritual beings, this way of thinking entirely reduce them to the actions of corresponding governments. But usual people (in which one would think the folk soul should reveal itself) are marionettes, mutes, crowd – anybody but real active force.So, there are no individual freedom, simple people are on default controlled crowd, spiritual forces do not enter in single persons, but open only to governors…Are we the only, who think that such conception is originally from pharaoh times and is outdated already several thousands years?What is more – it degraded. Materialism succeeded, and spiritual forces in this viewpoint are regarded now as some communities of people, communities with their private interests, which suddenly got the abilities typical for angels (and not of the last Hierarchy): to rule the strivings and will impulses of millions, secretly creeping in their souls remaining unseen even for consciousness soul. Literally in a magical way: for instance, if the senator McCain appears on Maidan scene, then from this moment everything living in the souls of people there is penetrated by emanations of him and CIA standing behind him…
Or when it becomes known, that USA is spending money to “support non-governmental organizations for human rights” in some country, then this country is proclaimed to be “infected” and since then any of its citizen who also dares to crusade for human rights against government, automatically will be considered as American marionette. This way of thinking doesn’t take an interest in individual motives of this citizen or in a fact that before going out on the streets he didn’t hear about that non-governmental organizations at all and didn’t get from them any information or money. Nobody is interested to find a concrete proofs, exactly because we are dealing here not with cognition, but with belief.And it would be understandable when such a way of thinking is living among materialists/atheists, who really don’t rise higher than a human level. (Although if to look a bit deeply, one can see that in reality they also hunger for approach to that true spiritual forces staying behind the scenes, but being unable to break through the wall of materialism they reduce these forces to transcendental might of the USA – and the belief in that might already looks like a religion.)But how this belief could take a root in anthroposophical community – in that community, where everybody knows about soul evolution and self-consciousness, about the force of I and straight-standing, where everybody knows that there are not only money and outer influences that can prompt people to act? Where everybody knows about true spiritual forces and Archangel Michael, for whom freedom and democracy are not just slogans, but the essence, who “more of any other angel trusts people”, who doesn’t look on people as on meaningless marionettes, but urge them to be guided by their own judgment capability, their own inner sun, which gives freedom and dignity? And who moreover is today the time-spirit!Are we the only, who think that that described way of thinking is guided not by Michael at all? And its basis is quite another spirit – the spirit, for whom single people are exactly like a small screws in a state machine and who always (yet bearing a name of Chronos) was a god of historians, which often overlook single people from their flying height…
And it’s exactly he who has stood behind the viewpoint that a human being consists only from body and soul and has no spirit which is able to orientate himself in the world on his own.The result was, as we all remember, the Great division of angels: one part departed with that spirit, and another remained faithful to Michael. And anthroposophical society should be with these last. At least, it was intended to be so…
Alive time spiritBut still the one calling himself anthroposophist can’t ignore Michael at all. So which place is given to Michael in described way of thinking? As opposing spirits in any way are considered: they allegedly inspire secret societies and governors of the West (while Russian governors, of course, are saved from their influence by God’s hand). Ok, but where is Time spirit and his hosts? Do they have some power in today’s world, do they have an ability to inspire people?And as it seems this way of thinking comes to such a point: yes, Michael can inspire single individualities, especially geniuses and great public figures, which are one in a million. But such people can’t be numerous and they are detached – they are always alone among the crowd. But Michaelic community is a prerogative of anthroposophical society only. Michael serves only it and only anthroposophists are able to follow his inspirations in a right way. The rest of the world is farmed out to Ahriman. And any more or less mass strivings for Michaelic ideals there are claimed to be infected or organized by Ahriman.
Average people just can’t be aware of ideals of Michael! Their lot is, like in pharaoh times, to listen to higher governors or spiritual mentors.Are we the only, who think that it is a clear Pharisaism, usurping the way to the truth?Gennady Bondarev postulates such a view in amazing “law”: “So, «Orange revolutions» don’t have in themselves anything natural… In the modern world, in the condition to which humanity is brought, any natural mass protest is impossible… For a protest the leader is needed, and to appear just out of the folk will be not allowed for him now. But if somebody needs it, the protest can be made out of anything, and any quantity of people (as if sincere disturbed people) can be gathered for it. That quantity is of pure financial matter”.That’s the way! The “leader” – it’s of course a human. It is not allowed to be ideal or spiritual force in a soul. And then “sincere disturbed people” are of course “as if sincere”, being in reality corrupt players who are gathered only by that pervasive force – money. True spirit cannot live in average man! Full stop!All this is none other than stealing the Michael, friends! It’s his imprisonment – exactly in a prison of close circle of people with private interests: even if this group reckon itself among anthroposophical society. It is bringing him down from alive time spirit, which breathes and shows himself where he wants and when he wants, to the dead group spirit, which is allowed only dimly to glimmer in a folio “Mystery of Michael. Anthroposophical guiding principles”…
But meanwhile in reality he claims about himself more and more loud, since his epoch is yet only gathering the power and we just only stepped over its third.Don’t you believe in sincere striving for freedom and fairness in the souls of non-Christians? In Arab Spring? – Ok, then here is something in a very accesible form:- here is Christian country (in addition the origin of “holy Russian land”);- here is a city which official church patron is Archangel Michael;- here are Michael’s square and Michael’s cathedral on it, which literally became a “knight’s stronghold” (giving a shelter to escaping students on 30th of November 2013 and then wounded and dead people in January–February, summoning people by bells in dangerous moments);- here is a day when protest starts: “The day of Archangel Michael” in Orthodox church calendar (21st of November);- here is as a result after revolution setting in this day an official state holiday – “Day of dignity and freedom” (literally: Michaelic ideals in a church day of Michael set not by clerics but by the life itself – so when spiritual holidays becomes also worldly, or the spirit incarnates on the earth);- here is the name of revolution: “Revolution of dignity”;- here is, to rule out suspicions of artificiality, the folk in which history democracy always was a natural form of life, yet from times of Old Russian popular assemblies and Cossack’s republic, where decisions were made by community and not by sole governor;- here is, to rule out suspicions of mercenariness and agitation of sentient soul, main driving force of revolution – middle class, in which consciousness soul is instinctively developed, which is ruling by thinking and does not suffer from poverty;- here is, to rule out suspicions of outer “leader”, obvious uncontrollability of revolution by its political “leaders”, who finally begun just literally to implement demands of community living in souls;- here are also a lot of details for those who can read the gestures: for instance, “standing on Maidan” as the main action, “Glory to Heroes” as pure michaelic slogan etc.And of course the essence itself: the struggle for the freedom, human dignity and human rights.
What else is needed?
All this seems to be so obvious, that Michael was noticed even by politics (later presidential candidate Anatoly Gritsenko – direct speech about inspiration of Maidan by Michael). But how he was overlooked by new “scribes”? Because it seems that he could show himself more bright by now only personally descending on the clouds with multitude of angels…Or maybe the problem is that all this happens in some obscure and imperceptible country, and not in that “heart of spirituality and holy power”, which as it seems prophecies proclaim about?
And here yet one belief intervenes, which also already got a signs of religion, even more powerful than worship of pervasive guile of Americanism. It’s the belief in Russia chosen by God, and in a striking form at that: as a belief in it’s chosen by God idea of statehood and political leadership. Here it’s still possible to understand people who never have heard about social threefolding, but how to understand anthroposophists devoted to this belief?Here we were thunderstruck again. We know that in 1930s there were anthroposophists who supported Hitler with his “German nation”, but we could not even imagine that it will be repeated in 2014 with Putin and “Russian world”. When clear military aggression and annexation of territories with a Nazi ideology as a base will be justified again by “spiritual mission from the viewpoint of anthroposophy”.It turned out that new “scribes” easily take an elementary Jesuitical view – Jerusalem with Christ at the head against Lucifer at the head of Babylon. As Americanism on the West is Babylon, then Russian power, “struggling” with it, is on default Jerusalem. So simple.And nobody remembers that when this Jerusalem is physical, there rules not Christ but Herod. Which bears the same spirit as pharaoh (it’s not accidental that the burial in the form of pyramid with mummy inside still standing on the main square in front of Kremlin). And like this spirit he also kill infants: he can’t bear the future, his lot is the past.However for the world-view which consider people in any social events as just a pawns, today’s Kremlin will suit taste. It again, like 80 years before, tramples on single people, even especially on its own, and abandon them when it’s needed for present moment of “geopolitical game”:- in 1919 answering on protests of Ukrainian Directory (the army of Soviet Russia in this moment attacks Ukraine on the whole front) commissar of foreign affairs of Russia Chicherin says: “There are no Russian troops in Ukraine, there are troops of independent Ukrainian soviet government”;- in 1939 Molotov says: “USSR is not in the state of war with Finland, it only supports the government of Finnish democratic republic” (this republic actually was made in USSR itself one day before);- in 2014 Putin: “There are no Russian troops in Donbass, there are troops of Donetsk people’s republic – workers and miners, brought to despair”…And between these big conflicts – yet more than 20 countries where soviet soldiers fought secretly, in the disguise of uniform of local armies, on soviet tanks and planes with painted over identification marks: in North Korea, Laos, Algeria, Egypt, Yemen, Vietnam, Syria, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Honduras, Salvador, Cuba, Bolivia, Grenada and others. Destinies of that soldiers were kept as a state secret until the crash of USSR.
All the same, with disguising, painting over identification marks and abandoning own soldiers repeats today in Donbass. And it seems it should be obvious for anybody who looks on the world with open eyes.But besides secret conflicts there were also open conflicts. And it’s just them which have built a belt of anti-Russian countries “from the Baltic to the Black sea”, though that belief in sly Americanism says of course that that belt was made out of “secret geopolitical influence of USA” to prevent the unity of Germany and Russia.But what does secret influence of distant USA matter to Poles, if here it is: the soviet invasion army just in front of them in 1920 and then in 1939, killing Polish soldiers?What does secret influence of USA matter to Hungarians, if here they are: soviet tanks in Budapest in 1956, killing Hungarian citizens?What does influence of USA matter to Czechs, if here they are: soviet tanks in Prague in 1968?What does influence of USA matter to Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians, if here they are: soviet occupation troops and NKVD in 1940, deporting tens of thousands of people, and then in 1990 trying to keep the countries from freedom by force?What does influence of USA matter to Moldavians, when the part of their country is occupied by Russian troops?What does influence of USA matter to Georgians, when here they are: Russian troops bombing their land?And what does influence of USA matter to Ukrainians, if here they are again: calling themselves brothers but all the time trying to affirm their right to supremacy by force: as in 1918, so in 1939, 1944 and 2014?
What all these countries have to do with anti-Kremlin IDEAS from the West, if Kremlin speaks for himself by his own DEEDS?
DemonIf here we would deal only with that spirit of totalitarianism, things would not going so terrible.However if in the epoch of sentient soul in pharaoh times this spirit still was in his right place, in epoch of intellectual soul in times of Herod he was an obstacle, now in consciousness soul he becomes just the gates of hell – as it can be seen already from times of Aztecs’ sacrifices. Through him much more horrible power crawls, which reveals itself in monstrous development of lie.Because it’s one story – to not consider losses of own soldiers, and quite another story – to abandon their existence at all and draw a parallel reality for media, discharging them from army post factum and secure the silence of their family and friends.It’s one story – to tyrannize common people, and quite another – to say at the same time that these people never lived so freely before and “soviet people have all democratic rights and freedoms”.It’s one story – to imprison thousands of out of favour people and people dangerous for regime, and quite another – to know that these people are charged under orders from above and are absolutely not guilty, but nevertheless to send them to gulag.It’s one story – to commit aggression against other countries, and quite another – to say simultaneously that “USSR struggles for peace and is the most peaceful state”. Or to make undeclared imperialistic war against neighbors with a pure Nazi idea and to say simultaneously that we are fighting against Nazi who are marionettes of Western imperialism…As one famous Moscow professor says to his students, “In history there were more bloody regimes than soviet, but more lying never was”.Yes, there are no doubts, that we have here in front of us the same spirit of Soviet Union, the spirit of bolshevism, trying to rise from a grave. But going through death he has risen to a new stage: now he is able to deceive and craze millions of people in the time of internet and without iron curtain. And he doesn’t afraid the Church anymore: he succeeded to handle it.And it’s crystal clear, who stands behind him: it’s one of the most powerful demons of our world, demon, risen against truth itself, against sun (heart) within human, destroying the sense of concepts, the sense of Word at all – when he calls white black and black white, turning everything what happens to “informational war”, where is definitionally no truth. As says one penetrating researcher who deeply grasped the fact of the matter but doesn’t know how to call it: “The purpose (of Kremlin) is not to inject new versions of truth, but to dilute the conception of truth itself”.
This power from old times was called sun demon, or Sorat.Here it is important to trace, when exactly modern Kremlin has “turned back”, beginning to restore soviet empire. As in Eltsin times Russia developed like more or less democratic state, but at some moment like somebody flicked a switch… No doubt, we will come to the moment of Russian default in payments. It radically refreshed Russian economics and let it get out of jail, following which with the background of abrupt increase of oil prices that dramatic “standing up from the knees” begun. It’s August of 1998.Month before, in July 1998 Putin becomes a head of FSB/KGB (organization where lie is the essence). After this follows his rise to summit of career: in one year he is prime minister, in one and half – the President. And just from that time – bombings of apartment blocks and “Kursk” submarine wreck (where strictly speaking for the first time from the crash of USSR the absolute lie of Kremlin reveals itself again), the second Chechen war is started, soviet national anthem is restored, with “NTV causa” the destruction of journalistic is started – and further downhill…Ukraine in this process should play a role of criminal outskirts of empire and by all its condition it should show that without Russia east-Slavic peoples can’t make anything viable, and their striving for the freedom and human dignity leads only to chaos, poverty and blood. So there is no alternative to authoritarian hand of Kremlin. The freedom should awake fear, and “Russian soul” can be represented in the world only by one state and only under the sway of Kremlin.And so beginning from the same 1998 in Ukraine also occur distinctive events: Russian default cause hryvna to fall, in next year dies Viacheslav Chornovil (most famous Ukrainian politician who struggled against USSR yet being dissident), in yet one year Georgy Gongadze (most famous Ukrainian journalist) is killed, then with the conflict around Tuzla island and “gas wars” Kremlin uncovers his true plans, and at last during Yanukovich as a president the object is almost achieved and a new “Union” is looming ahead.But all this time resistance also grows: after Gongadze murder flare up protests with a slogan “We want truth!”, in four years – Orange revolution (which dressed itself in sun colors and started also on Michael day 21st of November!), and ten years later on the same day – Revolution of dignity, which at last succeeded to unmask the demon.
And here it’s already about not only Ukraine: we can see that almost all post-soviet countries including Russia itself, in waves exchanging one another and hopefully supporting one another, fight with this soviet octopus which awakened again at the end of last century.And here at last should enter Rudolf Steiner from 1924 – from the time when Russia, bled in Civil War and still rejoicing for economical rise thanks to NEP, only prepared to enter the darkness of 1930s:
“Not the World War itself, but what followed it and what is even more terrible and what will become more terrible still — for example the present state in which Russia finds herself — this is what the Sorat spirits who invade human souls are aiming at…The Sorat human beings will be recognizable by their external appearance; in a terrible way they will not only scoff at everything but also oppose and want to push into the pool of filth anything that is spiritual. This will be experienced, for example, in the way something that is at present concentrated into a small space in seed form as today's Bolshevism will become incorporated into the whole of human evolution on earth…At the end of this century the time will come when Sorat will once again raise his head most strongly out of the waves of evolution to become the adversary of that appearance of Christ… Only two thirds of the century have still to run before Sorat once again raises his head most mightily… <It will happen with> the third number 666: year 1998”.There’s nothing to add.
When I wrote this text, I had a strange feeling: as if I have to defend and acquit an ABC of morality. To prove, that lie, totalitarianism, firing a war and occupation of another lands is bad, whereas fighting for the freedom and justice against dictatorship on one’s own land, defending one’s own country – it’s good. As if really something happened with the world, if such elementary ideas can’t break through to the sun of heart, but get stuck somewhere on the level of frightened “it’s not so simple, there’s more to it than that”. Ukrainians tiredly joke about this already almost two years: “if something looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, let’s not jump to conclusions, but let’s look who is to profit from it”.Friends, don’t afraid! No machinations of secret English-speaking and any other lodges are dangerous for us, if we hold on Michael, who brings us healthy feeling of truth!But to anthroposophists who support the Kremlin today by the name of anthroposophy I must say: guys, you not just turn away from a demon looking directly to your eyes. You also seduce “these little ones” – trustful Russian souls.
What you are doing harms first of all exactly Russian people: millions of Russian hearts are already poisoned by lie and hatred invented from nothing, their nearest folk is claimed as fascist, like Estonian or Georgian folks before, and in a waiting list are any other folks where Michael also will dare to become apparent. Eventually for Russians (at least in soul sense) everything will end like for Germans in 1945. But how many lives will be sacrificed yet and – most important! – how many souls will be wrecked yet by false belief?To resist occult brotherhoods is our, anthroposophical task. And to fulfill this task is possible only for even spiritual brotherhoods, but in no way for the states with their “geopolitics”! But in your weakness you want to shift this task onto political governors of Russia, who themselves (like governors of USSR in their time) are captured by the same adversary spirits, who have their arms blood-stained up to elbows already almost hundred years and who always sacrificed the main value of this land – Russian souls.